Taylor’s Tool Life curve when tool life increases 16 times if the cutting speed is halved

Question: In a single-point turning operation of steel with a cemented carbide tool, Taylor’s tool life exponent is 0.25. If the cutting speed is halved, how many times the tool life will increase? [ISRO 2013, IAS 1995] This problem can be solved using well-known Taylor’s Tool Life equation which provides the exponential relationship between cutting velocity and tool life. The generalized form of Taylor’s Tool Life equation is shown below.

Variation of Taylor’s tool life equation in a speed vs tool life curve

Question: A 50 mm diameter steel rod was turned at 284 rpm and tool failure occurred in 10 minutes. The speed was changed to 232 rpm and the tool failed in 60 minutes. Assuming straight line relationship between cutting speed and tool life, calculate the value of Taylorian Exponent (n). [ISRO 2011] Tool life indicates the duration of time within which a cutting tool provides satisfactory performance in machining. Taylor’s